Sunday, July 16, 2023

July Part 1


I visited St. Paul's in Madison with my mom.

Afterwards I went to hang out with siblings and friends before watching the Fireworks. FG2 did not like the headphones or the noise.

We had time to spare so we went bowling

FG2 got passed back and forth between the bowling

Happy Birthday America!

Merry's birthday was in June, but because of our Solemn High Mass we didn't get a picture

On Rosie's birthday the two of us and a couple of friends headed out to a retreat in MI

We took the ferry across Lake Michigan

This year we set up a chapel in one of the conference rooms since the Jesuits who owned the center wanted the High Altar taken down after every Mass

We had a talent show on Sunday, it's a lot of fun to watch

I couldn't find our group photo, but we did take a selfie

(Snitched picture)
We had a lot of great conferences Q&A with the Canons and debates

(Snitched picture)
Group photo

Jesus is either skating, hoverboarding, surfing, or using a one wheel

George Bailey?

Here comes the ferry to take us home

Young adult trip to an old mission church

Our New Parish

To Be Continued


Please leave your swords and bows at the door, then come in and talk. All are welcome, except of course for the servants of Sauron. They will be asked to leave under pain of death.