Sunday, July 4, 2021

Sursum Corda 2021


Rosie, Eleanor and I went to the Sursum Corda YA retreat. This year it was in June at the Shrine of St. Therese.

We were blessed to have four Canons give us talks and answer our questions.

I only took pictures at the talent show.

One group did a skit to explain why they were late for the retreat.

My friend fave me some of her pictures too.

~The Sheild-Maiden


  1. Looks so fun! Did you like it better at the shrine or at the previous location? Thanks for sharing the pictures!

    1. Mundeline was the prettiest! Green Lake had the least amount of driving but too much walking! The Shrine had the least amount of walking but more driving. I think I liked Muneline best.

  2. Looks like you had a great time!


Please leave your swords and bows at the door, then come in and talk. All are welcome, except of course for the servants of Sauron. They will be asked to leave under pain of death.