Saturday, December 14, 2019

2019 Update part 2


And so it continues....

I went to Durwoods Glen with a couple of friends, to listen to- um- music. Celtic music?

It's very beautiful there.

This year I was one of the ones to get to go to New York.

I brought a lot of writing materials.

Waiting, waiting, waiting.

We took a train.

Then rented a car.

Once we got to the car rental place, we just crashed on the floor. We forgot Kili's booster seat, so we had to rent one. He was crushed that it had a back.

We spent a lot of time driving around.

We staid with a highschool friend of my mom and her family. I shared a room with Rosie.

The Lake.

The water was glorious.

Kili came down with Chicken Pox.
We went to the Harriet Tubman house.

Afterwards we went to Dennys for breakfast.

Then we went to the Seward House. Harriet Tubman is in the background.

Seward house up ahead.

William's Seward's story is pretty amazing. He's the guy that bought Alaska.

He lost the election to Abraham Lincoln, but he got over it and went on to become best friends with the President.

Nobody can have to many books.

I had to take a picture of the Russian Coffee pot. The family I nanny for, has one, except with the pipe at the top.

Fabulous dining room.

I love curved stairs and banisters.

In those days people exchanged portraits when they met, then they would hang them on their walls to show off how many people they knew. Seward had a Pope on his wall. :D

Seward was also part of the underground railroad. He was the one that sold Harriet Tubman her house. She wouldn't take it free.

Next day we went to some kind of pizza place for lunch.

Rosie and I decided to go to Skaneateles' famous sidewalk sales, instead of going swimming. Regrettable choice as it was the hottest day yet. I did find a few things though.

We celebrated my grandpa's 80th birthday with some more of our relations.

My dad had work in New York, so he was able to make it to the party.

Got to be careful who has control of the camera.

Ahh... shoes off. I couldn't wait to get home and sleep in my own bed again.

This ends part 2
~The Shield-Maiden

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