Sunday, March 3, 2019

Random post of old pictures from January


My first 18" doll. The only one I still have. I got the dress for her in September. Yes, I still like cute doll clothes. :D

We usually have a little doughnut social after our 11:00 Mass.

A page from the very first book I ever wrote. I was probably eight or nine. The mom, Julia, is actually based off my doll. All the characters were dolls.

This was our first big snow of winter 2018-19. I took this picture the day after our return from the March for Life.

Progress on our new book shelves. They have since been completed but I don't have a picture yet.

This was on the back of our High Mass booklet on St. Blaise's feast day. I immediately thought of Lena. You can check out one of her blogs here. Lena's blog.

Preparation for a High Mass. These pictures are a month old. We just had another High Mass today.

Oh Mary Queen of Angels, Pray for Us


  1. I love your doll's dress! I still have my 18 inch doll too, only my doll's hair doesn't look as nice as yours. :)
    Your new bookshelves look nice. My family needs to get some more shelves soon...we have an overflow of books!
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    1. Thank you. I love it too. It's so cute. I'm not sure how my doll's hair stayed so nice. Maybe because it's a Goetz doll, not an American girl doll.
      Yes, our wall bookshelves are pretty amazing. Overflow of books is always good. :D
      Happy St. Patrick's day to you too.


Please leave your swords and bows at the door, then come in and talk. All are welcome, except of course for the servants of Sauron. They will be asked to leave under pain of death.