Friday, September 1, 2023

August part 5


Heading down the trail to mark out a place for a chapel

The Stations trail needed some weeding

Heading down for the hundredth time, this time with Kili and a machete 

We can see the house from the location

Time to start chopping

Young adult group to Our Lady of the Fields chapel

Note to self, always inspect the money from people who buy your old cars

A pile of useless twenties

Getting ready to go canoeing

Eleanor and I went in the green canoe that she refurbished

Going back to the chapel site to check on the digging

Now that there is a hole we can begin building pretty soon

A bike accident in front of the school. The ambulance showed up after I took the picture

To Be Continued with September


  1. I just came across your blog...hello! *waves awkwardly* Lovely to meet you :)

    Wait, you're building a chapel?? That is so amazing!

    ~ Lizzie Hexam

    (All swords and bows at the door, you say? Surely I can bring my staff in, though, right?)

    1. Hello Lizzie,
      Yes, we are building a chapel. I have decided I wouldn't be a good at building houses.
      You can only bring your staff in if you are an old man.

    2. Hehe, well, I expect we're strikingly similar in that respect :P

      Aw, shucks...


Please leave your swords and bows at the door, then come in and talk. All are welcome, except of course for the servants of Sauron. They will be asked to leave under pain of death.