Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Recent happenings


It's been less than a month since I last posted, maybe I'm getting better at this.

Another visit to Goldilock's house.

She's standing perfectly then...


"I'm going to get it."

"Just a bit further!"

"Almost there!"

"Got it!"

"What did you take it away for?"
This was after she had already pulled it down on her foot.

A lady of many expressions.

Hmm... not sure what's going on here.

Rosie, mom and I worked at a brat stand fundraiser for our Church.


Hiking with extended family.

Bridges are cool!

That's all for now.

1 comment:

Please leave your swords and bows at the door, then come in and talk. All are welcome, except of course for the servants of Sauron. They will be asked to leave under pain of death.