Wednesday, January 23, 2019

March for Life 2019, part 3: Rally and March


The third part of my March for Life 2019 experience. You can find the first part here and the second part here.

We had a short break in the hotel after Mass. Then we waited around in the lobby before walking meet the rest of our group at Old St. Mary's.

My little group got to the Church early.

But finally the others showed up.

 With Banners!

We are ready to March for life!

And beautiful flags with the ICKSP's coat of arms on them.

The walk to the rally.

Some of the flag carriers twisted the flags. Not sure what you really call it.

We did a lot of walking in DC. I think it was a ten to fifteen minute walk to the rally, or possibly more.

Lots of street crossings.

We passed lot's of TFP banners on street corners.

The yellow group were holding a big tarp thing over their heads. They probably didn't lose anyone.

The Washington Monument.

 My friend P.

We had lots of banners and flags in our group.

It was a huge crowd.

 TFP was in the very front of the March, we were close behind. At least most of my group was. Galadriel and I were carrying another banner and got swept further back.

Free signs. I wanted to bring my big one home, but to many places said we couldn't take them inside, so I ended up leaving them outside.

My friend T.

The capitol.

 We stopped to get our picture taken on the steps of a building. Then we walked back to the capitol for another picture. It's very difficult to try and walk against the flow. There were thousands of people at the March.

We got our picture taken in front of the Capitol.

My view while the picture was being taken.

Then we met up with my aunt B and finished the March.


The Supreme Court.


TFP banner.

And so ended the 2019 March for Life.

Once everyone had passed, the TFP group marched away in style.

TFP did a good video comparing the two Marches.

The March for Life was a beautiful March. Keep those prayers going and maybe one day there will be no need to March.

To Be Continued


  1. I love all of these pictures! My brother went this year with Northeast Catholic College. And in the 16th picture I recognized a TFP member from my hometown. :)


    1. Thank you. That's neat. I actually saw the Northeast Catholic College group. :D TFP is pretty awesome. That's awesome that you recognized one of them.


Please leave your swords and bows at the door, then come in and talk. All are welcome, except of course for the servants of Sauron. They will be asked to leave under pain of death.