Saturday, July 18, 2020

The Original Outstanding Blogger Award Tag




Hello everyone who still reads this incredibly slow blog. I got tagged by Anna@In My Own Little Corner for the Original Outstanding Blogger Award Tag. Wow! I think this is the first time I ever actually got tagged. Maybe not. I don't really remember. I've stolen tags before though. :D Anyway, here is Anna's post so you can check her answers. Here

The Rules:1. Provide a link to the creator's original award post. (very important: see why in step 5)
2. Answer the questions provided.
3. Create 7 unique questions.
4. Nominate 10 bloggers. Be sure that they are aware of their nomination. Neither the award's creator nor the blogger that nominated you can be nominated.
5. At the end of 2020, every blog that ping-backs the creator's original post will be entered to win the 2020 Outstanding Blogger Award!

Now for my answers to Anna's Questions

1. What Are Four Of Your Favorite Movies?
Oh good I know this answer because I recently came up with a list of my favorite movies. Clearly I like Fantasy.
Aladdin 2019
The Ash Lad in the Hall of the Mountain King
The Fellowship of the Ring extended Edition
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 2005

2. Grant Or Lee?
Hmm... I'm proud of the North so I want to say Grant, but what little I know about either of the Generals I like Lee better.
General Robert E. Lee is the winner.

3. Thoughts On Cotton Candy?
Mmmm. It makes me feel sick but I like it. I do have a sweet tooth, but I think it's tapered off somewhat.

4. If You Had To Live In A Different Country, What Country Would You Choose?
Uh-oh. I couldn't. A different state is bad enough, but a different country. Oh no, never!

Home Sweet Home!

5. A Popular Book That You Never Cared For?
Keeper of the Lost Cities

6. Annie Oakley Or Queen Victoria?
Annie Oakley.

7. Favorite Play? (William Shakespeare Or Other).
I've seen lots of amazing plays both Shakespeare and other. "Pride and Prejudice" is one I really enjoyed. I've also really like "Hamlet," and "Much Ado about Nothing," not to mention scores of others.

And Now for the Seven New Questions

1. Middle Earth or Narnia?
2. Bow or Sword?
3. How Many books have I published?
4. Traditional Latin Mass or Novus Ordo Mass?
5. Name three of your favorite books
6. Country or City?
7. How many Stories have I written? (not the same as number 3, but you will know this answer if you look at my other blog)

I tag:
Maria @ Mini Memories
Emma @ Back to Texas
Theresa @ Art and Junk
Jacinta @ Grouchy Photographer 
and anyone else that is interested

God Bless you All
~The Shield-Maiden