Monday, November 26, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018


I figured Thanksgiving deserved a separate post.

I'm thankful for my wonderful parents
living in the country
being part of a big family
jobs I love
having been homeschooled
being part of an amazing Diocese. (Please spare a prayer for the soul of our Bishop and for his successor)
The Latin Mass!!

We had our family gathering the Sunday before at our aunt and uncle's house.

Cousin J is so adorable.

The girls ate in the basement.

At this point someone stole my phone and took a bunch pictures

Looking for games.

I took the pictures from this one and on down.

The photobomber

We grew our own turkeys this year. This picture doesn't do justice to the size. The thing was 30+ pounds.

Thanksgiving day our our house

This one is a bit better.

After the turkey went into the oven, we processed deer.

This year we decided to set up with china dishes.

Doesn't it look nice?

The little kids wanted their own table.

No, they did not break their wine glasses or have wine in them. Most of us put eggnog in them. Some put just plain milk in though.

This is my seat. I only used one fork. I know, horrors!

My view of food!

I made this jello.

I made this too. It's cranberry orange jello salad. Or is it raspberry?

My cranberry hot drink in a teacup.

"Pinkies up!"
This puts me in mind of Hetty King teaching Gus Pike how to be genteel.

"I shall take no more tea."
Of course us girls were thinking about the American Girl, Felicity.

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. That turkey! Wow! What exactly were you all feeding it?! Ours never got that big in the years that we raised turkeys.

    1. Well, you would have to ask my mom since the millions of birds we got in the spring were mostly under her care. :D The one we ate we didn't butcher with the rest, it had been running around our yard with three others for about a month and living off of grass or whatever it could find.

  2. That turkey is huge........ Ours was 28 pounds, and we had a hard enough time as it was.


Please leave your swords and bows at the door, then come in and talk. All are welcome, except of course for the servants of Sauron. They will be asked to leave under pain of death.