Monday, August 6, 2018

ICK Girl's Camp


This is my second year going as a Counselor to the Institute of Christ the King's summer girls' camp. Previous to that I was a camper for three years. My first time, then twice as a team captain.
Last year I did a post for it on my other blog. 2017 Girls' Camp.

My team was green this year and I had a wonderful bunch of girls. 8 out of 12 of them were coming for the first time. And two were only coming for the second time. We may have lost every game but we did win Spirit Award. Good Job girls!

Welcome to Girls' Camp 2018

My dad drove my sister Rosie and I up there Sunday evening.

We set up the tent before the counselor meeting.

Galadriel found a mini suitcase for me to bring traveling with me for my writing. But since the handle got broken off I now need to replace it.

There were so many tents this year that some had to be brought out of the tenting area.

The camp is in someone's back yard. No one is allowed in the house unless they are actually sick.

Once everyone was checked in, there was the opening speech then banner making.

Green team hard at work. :D

This year the theme was English Martyrs. My team's patron was Blessed Margaret Pole. 

We were the second team to get our banner finished.

Blessed Margaret is shone next to the tower, because she died outside the tower of London. The clock is at 11:00 since she died in the morning. Her neck and shoulders are all bloody because the regular executioner was away so an untrained boy had to behead Blessed Margaret. He did a poor job of it.

Preparing for the first Camp fire, Monday night.

My team suffered in the spider web game. :D Actually I think everyone did. :D

Yellow, Green and pink all waiting to go through.

The object of the game was to get through the web without touching any of the strings. You had to start over if you did.

Meanwhile there was stilt walking in the background.

My team finished the spider web and attempted the board walk.

The object of this game is to cross the board and all crowd onto one. Then the last person picks up the board no one is standing on and passes it to the first person. They then repeat everything all over again. If you fall, then you have to start all over again. The last person has to go all the way back by herself to get the rest of the team.

Passing the hoop through the ring. Everyone's hands are connected and they have to pass the hoop around the circle.

My team was second out.

Wednesday morning we went swimming at a nearby water park.
Surprisingly it didn't rain at the water park this year. :D

Back at the camp the mothers had set up the sewing machines for skirt making.

Lunch was where ever you wanted to sit.

While the first groups were sewing, the other groups were playing games.

The great sock wars!

So there is this pile of nylon stockings tied together.

One member from each team puts a sock over their head.

Then the girls start moving and try to be the last one with a sock on their head. It's painful. :D

Dark purple

Green (My team)


light purple


Light Blue (Rosie's team) I was on this team in 2016.



Pink. I was on this team in 2015

Brown. I was on this team in 2017. This banner one first place.

Dark Blue

Polka dot. This was my favorite banner. It won second place.

Rosie making a skirt.

We had a big storm on Wednesday forcing the sewing to stop for the day.

Experimenting with the settings on my camera 

We had two of the Sister Adorers with us starting Wednesday

Preparing for the cooking contest

I really wanted to take a picture of the judges' hats but it was two dark under the tent.

There was trouble with the electricity for the burners so some had to be taken up to the chapel barn.

This drawing is much better then the original which I found ugly. :D

Since my team was the first team out on the first round even though it was three teams per round, we went off into the field to play some games before it rained again.

Concert on the Patio/talent show
The talent show was supposed to be Wednesday but it got rained out and was changed to Thursday.

The pillow people were very funny.

This was an hilarious studio c skit

Fireworks were new this year.

The day to pack up

Black Team 
Starting last year, the Canons and Abbes started competing with the girls as the Black Team.

This lovely thing is their banner.

This was part of their banner from the beginning. :D

For some reason there was a smurf attached to the spear.

But one of them was a good artist.
There war cry was: Black team, black team burning bright then something about a cookie. :D

Farewell Girls' camp 2018

The first two rows are green team!

Go Green Go!
Blessed Margaret Pole: Pray For Us!
Blessed Margaret Pole: Intercede for Us!
Blessed Margaret Pole: Help us Daily!

God Bless You All,
~the Shield-Maiden

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