Sunday, June 2, 2024

May part 1


I got a little bit behind with the May posts

I bought a box of 24 for 16 kids, then saw the 8 servings and thought I hadn't got enough until I realized that the serving size is 3 popsicles? Why? 

Forgot what kind of car this is but I didn't like it. I don't like drawing cars.

St. Aloysius

Kili the Viking Warrior

Impromptu visit to an escape room. Fun, but I wasn't a fan of the theme

Light Fury and Toothless

Baby Toothless and Light Fury

St. Leo the Great

Unicorn and Fairy Cat

Evening with the girls

Prom dress

The only picture I took from a Bridal Shower

Mama and baby panda. I tried to make a copy and copied the wrong side (permanent marker bleed thru) so I redrew everything. Spot the difference?

Cat sleeping in human bed

A sad Robin

Light Fury family

More How to Train Your Dragon, dragons. Don't know what kind of dragons these are.

Baby dragon with a stick

Bridal Shower for a co-worker

Congratulations to the happy bride!

Another kind of dragon

Hmm... maybe I should have a policy against drawing violent video games. (I currently have two things on my list that kids would ask for that I won't draw)

To Be Continued


Please leave your swords and bows at the door, then come in and talk. All are welcome, except of course for the servants of Sauron. They will be asked to leave under pain of death.