Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Late June, July and Augest Update



I slowed down on my drawings. Technically this should be on my other blog.

We got over a hundred baby chicks.

They were so cute and fluffy when we first got them.

 Watching the floating lanterns glow.

 I spy the lantern.

Fluffing up the lantern.

Lighting the candle thing.

It's lit.

Ready to go.

Filling up with hot air.

And it's off. 


So many Bridal Showers had to be cancelled this year. But since we already had the stuff for our cake decorating contest we did it anyway.

I guess I didn't take any pictures of completed cupcakes.

Rosie, Eleanor and I spent a week with Galadriel and Celeborn.


Who knows what's going on here.


I made some fresh blackberry pies.

A small child stole my phone and took a picture. Usually I delete them.

Family Reunion.

Galadriel and Celeborn came down for it.

On the way home we stopped at this neat little restaurant.

Strange dog in our driveway.

Sursum Corda Retreat. This year the talks were on the virtue of Justice.

This year because of the Covid-19 we had the chapel in a bigger room.

Board and card games.

This year someone brought a statue of St. Philomena.

This little guy got really close to Rosie before escaping.

God Bless you All,

~The Shield-Maiden


  1. AHHHHHH I MISS YA'LL SO MUCH!! So good to "see" everyone again....I especially enjoyed your pics of Sursum Corda - I wish I could have been there! Hope everyone is well!

    1. We miss you too. Can't wait for you to come back. Sadly, I didn't get that many of SC. I'm a terrible photographer. I never remember to take pictures. Everyone's well here. Hope you're still healthy too.


Please leave your swords and bows at the door, then come in and talk. All are welcome, except of course for the servants of Sauron. They will be asked to leave under pain of death.